Ain’t No Certainty in Life
What should we do when we face uncertainty? A poem.
King today, a peasant tomorrow,
Are we living in times borrowed?
Wad of cash to throw a party bash,
Only to see life pass in a flash.
Anxiety, insanity and lack of positivity,
Is that how we feel when there’s uncertainty?
We worry because we’re insecure,
Do we then bury our heads in manure?
No, friends. Let’s rise to the challenge,
Don’t let uncertainty put you off balance.
Just because you received some criticism,
Means that you should give up on optimism.
True, there ain’t no certainty in life,
But we can adapt and be resilient if we strive.
I wrote this poem based on how I felt recently and also from conversations I’ve had with friends and family.
Uncertainty — a recurrent theme that’s in the mouths and minds of many people, especially in this COVID19 pandemic.
Is my job secure? Will my job be there in the next month? Will I be asked to stand down from work? Will I be able to pay for rent, utilities or food when my government aid runs out or gets reduced? What about my family and their wellbeing? What about seeing my loved ones who live far away from me? Will I be able to travel again, and if so, when and will it be safe to do so?
So many questions. So many unknowns. So many uncertainties.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” — John Allen Paulos
So, what will you do?